Knitting a Jumper

Recently, I picked up a project that I had set down for the past few months.

This isn’t an unusual occurrence for me. I often find with large knitting projects I have to set them down. Occasionally, putting them down for months at a time.

Sometimes, it’s because there’s a particularly challenging section of the pattern and I need to think about it for a while. Going back and looking on Ravelry at other’s projects to see if they struggled with it and look at their notes on how they tackled it.

Other times, it’s because I just get bored or feel drained from doing the same pattern for so long. It becomes a chore rather than something fun I’m doing because I love it.

At these times I like to pick up a small project, something that will give me a quick win. It could have something a little bit challenging to pique my interest or it could be an old favourite. As long as I enjoy the process again it doesn’t really matter.

This is actually how I learned and built up the patience to knit. Sitting and knitting for longer and longer, learning the muscle memory. Knitting through piece by piece of the cardigan and changing to something small that used what I had learned how to do.

It’s also why I prefer garments that are knitted in pieces and then seamed. You get a small win each time you complete a piece. For me, those small wins keep me going like the little stepping stones along the big path to a completed sweater.

Leave a comment below and tell me, what are you working on at the moment? 

How do you deal with running out of steam on a project?

Pattern is the Muna Jumper by Kari-Helene Rane

My Ravelry project notes


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