Quick Knit Cardigan

This past weekend I smashed out a cardigan. 

I never thought it would be possible but the Tofino Cardigan came through! 

I bought the yarn as a birthday present for myself back in August (It was a lockdown birthday so my family sent money for me to order what I wanted, along with a lovely birthday basket of pie and fresh eggs from my mother's chickens). The yarn finally arrived last week and the Wonderfluff yarn from Knit Picks was just too delicious I had to cast on the jumper that night. 


Normally it takes me at least 6-8 weeks to knit a jumper/cardigan. I knit a little bit on Thursday and Friday but I was mostly getting through work tasks. The weekend was when I really picked up the needles for some much needed down time. 

I set myself up with some Critical Role Campaign 1 and this jumper just materialized. 

By Sunday morning I had finished the body of the cardigan (to which I made some modifications) and set up my sleeve. I was going to set the project down after getting the sleeve ready to knit but it just became addicting to see how quickly the sleeve was knitting up. 

I love that the only shaping for the sleeve was the decreases just before the cuff as well making it so simple!

By that night the cardigan was finished. I'm still debating if I should put some reinforcement at the centre front opening. I've been wearing it this week and I kind of like it as is. It's a little sloppy but that's what I want from it. A cozy cardigan that I can easily wear with my high waisted items

I pretty much knitted for two days straight and loved every second. It was the perfect way to get a quick win with knitting and to just relax and take time for myself.


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